Erica Crawford, co-owner Loveblock Vineyard, Auckland

Born Bred Schooled

South Africa, University of Cape Town

First Wine Industry Job
Retail - Casual at Rebel Liquor in SA, the a stint at Drop In chain. I learnt about the “cash float”

First real job
Research Scientist, Ischaemic Heart research Unit, Groote Schuur Hospital and University of Cape Town Medical School.
Sounds a lot heavier than it was in real life!

Mentor /Influencer
Dr Selvarajah Saman – shaped my  thinking enormously, he was my supervisor at Med School.
Jon Moramarco - during my stint and Constellation Brands. Numbers numbers more numbers and passion

Cat? Dog?
Dog. Queenie. She runs the show, all 6 kgs of her: feisty, tenacious, funny & cuddly. And ugly but never mind.

Desert Island wine & food
Riesling & Campagne. Japanese / Cambodian / Vietnamese

Dinner Table companions
Ken Kesey, Da Vinci, Harold Pinter, Golda Meir, Boutros-Boutros Ghali because of that majestic name.

Greatest Achievement
Too few that count, too many little ones that don’t count

NZ Wine Industry needs
…stronger opinions from < 35’s in industry. The old ones need to be challenged harder

If not Wine Industry, what then?
Running some sort of company

Do not avoid conflict or confrontation, I’m OK if it comes my way

Lying on my back doing nothing. The importance of being idle is under rated.

One thing people might be surprised to learn about you?

 That I can knit, sew and drive a tractor.


If you had the day off tomorrow….

Create order in my shambolic household, Inbox, filing system etc etc. Order

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